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there’s still nobody home
仍然毫无声响  detail>>
nobody home
无人在家  detail>>
tonight nobody goes home
今天不回家  detail>>
he was surprised to find nobody at home
家里一个人也没有他心里很纳罕  detail>>
home flowers are sweeter still
野花那有家花香  detail>>
a nobody
无名小辈  detail>>
 pron.  谁也不,没人;无人。 There was nobody present. 没人出席。 Everybody's business is nobody's b...  detail>>
then nobody will
任何人都不会拥有  detail>>
there`s nobody there
里面空无一人  detail>>
with nobody in it
空无一人的  detail>>
be still
静下心来  detail>>
be still on
仍在……着  detail>>
 adj.  1.静止的,平静的,静寂的。 2.温柔的,低声的。 3.沉默寡言的。 4.(酒等)不起泡的。 5.没有活力的,死气沉...  detail>>
still then
就在那时  detail>>
will be there still
依然如故  detail>>
a mere nobody
无足轻重的人, 微不足道的人  detail>>
and nobody is in sight
当月亮仍然高高在上  detail>>
be envious of nobody
不嫉妒任何人  detail>>